
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2019

Postgraduate studies

When they ask me if I will do any dental speacialties or if I will take some course or a doctorate, I don’t know what to answer because I have four years to finish my career and I think that I still need to know more about dentistry. Maybe, when I will be in clinic I will be surer and I will choose some dental speacialties or I will take some course. I would really like to study some course abroad. Maybe in Brazil because this is the great power of dentistry. At the level of dental training, three Brazilian universities are among the top five in the world.  Or in EEUU because this is the country that publishes the most research in dentistry. But if I can’t to travel I will study in Chile, without problems. I would like to study with distance learning or blended system. It’s more confortable to study from home although I wouldn’t mind to study part-time course. Orthodontics, it’s one of the dental specialties I like. An orthodontist diagnoses overbites, occlusions, misaligned te