The best holidays I've ever had

Hi friends,
I remember that when I was a little girl, I only went to the beach when I was on holidays. But one summer, in the year 2017, I went to the south of Chile to the region of the Araucania and the "Region de los Lagos". I went with my family: my sisters, my parents and my grandmother. This holiday lasted two weeks. We camped in different places like Caburgua, Lican Ray and Puerto Varas. I loved every place. When we were in the Caburgua we were very close to the lake. I and my sisters were waking up and then we going to relax at lake. I knew a lot of places because everyday I and my family were going to a different places, my dad drove many to get to the others places. We went to Frutillar, Saltos del Petrohue, Puerto Montt, La Cascada, Villarica and more. Also we visited Chiloe, this island is very beautifull and is full of very interesting stories and legends.
When we arrived at the camping, we were very tired, we cooked something and we stayed up late playing cards, talking and laughing. I enjoy this hollidays.
These are some photos I took:


Saltos del Petrohue


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