
Postgraduate studies

When they ask me if I will do any dental speacialties or if I will take some course or a doctorate, I don’t know what to answer because I have four years to finish my career and I think that I still need to know more about dentistry. Maybe, when I will be in clinic I will be surer and I will choose some dental speacialties or I will take some course. I would really like to study some course abroad. Maybe in Brazil because this is the great power of dentistry. At the level of dental training, three Brazilian universities are among the top five in the world.  Or in EEUU because this is the country that publishes the most research in dentistry. But if I can’t to travel I will study in Chile, without problems. I would like to study with distance learning or blended system. It’s more confortable to study from home although I wouldn’t mind to study part-time course. Orthodontics, it’s one of the dental specialties I like. An orthodontist diagnoses overbites, occlusions, misaligned te

My future job

Hello friends, Today I’m going to talk about a job I would like to do in the future. I’m studing dentistry so in the future I would like to be a dentist at a public hospital and help people with few resources. I would really like to work with kids. It is very important to teach oral hygiene from a young age to prevent possible diseases. I would like to specialize in pediatric dentistry. Pediatric dentistry is the specialty of dentistry that treats preventive and therapeutic oral care for children. They are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to take care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages from childhood to the ten years. Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible o

A sport I would like to practice

Hello friends, I hope you’re alright Today I'm going to talk about a sport I would like to practice. I remember that when I was a little girl I would have liked to practice Cheerleader. Cheerleader is an activity in which the participants( (called cheerleaders) cheer for their team as a form of encouragement. I think this sport is entertaining though a little risky because you can fall and get injured. But this can also happen with other sports. When I was in school, we compete with the other courses of the school and one competition was cheerleader, I always participated. I was the flyer. I loved it. Being a flyer is very difficult but too entertaining. I and the other classmates laughed a lot. We always after classes, we were going to the square to practice. We had a great fun. We won the competition. I was very happy.  After the competition we went to celebrate at a friend’s house. It was very funny. Is my dream practice Cheerleader but I could never practice it. I w

My favorite TV series

Hi friends I'm going to talk about my favorite TV series. I love to watch series in Netflix. When I watch a TV show I have to watch all chapters because I like to see the serie so fast and to know the end. I like so much breaking bad. I was very excity when I was watching this serie. I think that we all know this series. But I will tell you what’s about. Walter White is a chemistry teacher with a lot of economic problems and with a terminal cancer then he takes a decision to make money and he starts to cooking methamphetamines. The Walter’s life changes completely and he had to deal with extreme situations with drug traffickers and assasins. Jesse Pickman is his partner and they have to support each other. Throughout history, amazing things happen. I would definitely recommend this series. I like this genre, crimes, drugs and police. I’m watching this series again. Now I feel very anxious because it will premiere the movie of the breaking bad, “El camino”. I hope the

The best holidays I've ever had

Hi friends, I remember that when I was a little girl, I only went to the beach when I was on holidays. But one summer, in the year 2017, I went to the south of Chile to the region of the Araucania and the "Region de los Lagos". I went with my family: my sisters, my parents and my grandmother. This holiday lasted two weeks. We camped in different places like Caburgua, Lican Ray and Puerto Varas. I loved every place. When we were in the Caburgua we were very close to the lake. I and my sisters were waking up and then we going to relax at lake. I knew a lot of places because everyday I and my family were going to a different places, my dad drove many to get to the others places. We went to Frutillar, Saltos del Petrohue, Puerto Montt, La Cascada, Villarica and more. Also we visited Chiloe, this island is very beautifull and is full of very interesting stories and legends. When we arrived at the camping, we were very tired, we cooked something and we stayed up late playing card


Hello friends, Today I'm going to write about a country I would like to visit. I really like the beach, the colors, the nature. Also I like to dance with my friends, so I think that the place is Jamaica. This country is so beautifull, the beaches have such crystal clear water and the sea seems to shine. I would like to lie in the sand to sunbathe and to relax. Jamaica is a country so happy, the people look very nice and friendly. Also I'm going to the parties in the night and dancing so much, I love Jamaica, its music, dancehall and reggae, very tropical. This music was born on Jamaica. I enjoy very much to listen and to dance this music. I would like to travel with my sisters and my friends. One of the places that I would like to visit in Jamaica is Negril is a small town and has the most beautifull coast of the world. In this place you can see dolphins, to interact and to swim with them. Other place that you can visit is Montego Bay, in this place you can climb up the cascad